time to think like a foreigner. Time to think success and not failure. Time to think responsibility and not
blaming others. Time to think opportunities and not obstacles. Time to think
dreams and not struggles.
to think abundance and not lack. Time to think progress and not delays. Time to
think change and not routine. Time to think tomorrow and not yesterday.
to think prosperity and not poverty. Time to think multiplication of resources and
not division. Time to think addition of properties and not subtraction. Time to
think positive thoughts and not negative ones.
to think investment and not expenses. Time to think wealth acquisition and not
debts creation. Time to think financial freedom and not economic slavery. Time
to think multiple sources of income and not salary. Time to think about
creating a will for our off-springs and not bills.
to think about selling and not just buying. Time to think about producing and
not just consuming. Time to think business and not just employment. Time to think
faith and not just facts. Time to think about tripling your income and not just
doubling your expenses.
to think about making a profit and not just waiting for a pay hike. Time to think
about building your dream and not just contributing to another person’s. Time
to think about God and not the devil. Time to think like an immigrant and not a
local. It’s time to think like a foreigner.
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